The commercial enterprise team hosted a visit by the head of industry engagement and policy for NHS Confed this week.
Donal Sutton of NHS Confederation – which is vice chaired by Dame Jackie Daniel, chief executive of Newcastle Hospitals – met the team to gain a greater understanding of their priorities, delivery programmes, regional partnerships and networks.
Donal shared an update about some of NHS Confed’s outreach work to understand the issues and challenges facing the NHS and plans to engage and strengthen commercial partnerships with the aim of delivering solutions.
He also highlighted the value in the ‘healthcare triangle’ which see the NHS, universities and industry working together to improve patient outcomes, which is a collaboration championed by Dame Jackie. This is highlighted by NHS Confed’s work in the area of health economic partnerships.
Diagnostics North East, a network of organisations – including the Trust’s North East Innovation Lab – supporting the development, evaluation and adoption of diagnostics for better patient outcomes is an example of this joined up working. The network is committed to facilitating greater opportunities to improve patient health and wellbeing through a common vision and approach.
Newcastle Hospitals was recently highlighted by the The Shelford Group in its blog in recognition of these efforts to drive forward the life sciences agenda to meet today’s healthcare challenges including this ground-breaking work for advancing diagnostics and therapeutic treatments.
Read more about the team’s work here.
Find out more about Diagnostics North East here.