Consortium – NHS Blood and Transplant, Newcastle University, University of Oxford and the Medical Research Council.
Quality of organ donation (QUOD) is a national consortium to promote research and facilitate service development in organ donation and transplantation, by providing access for researchers to appropriately consent and authorise organ donors.
We are involved with a group from Newcastle University and NHS Blood and Transplant in the whole organ expansion arm of QUOD. The group aims to increase the understanding of the causes of whole organ stress, leading to new treatments to maximise transplant success, and to help prevent or reverse chronic disease, avoiding the need for transplantation.
We are testing pancreata samples for the creation of a state-of-the-art online pathology atlas. To aid its development, we have helped to develop a panel of biomarkers for immunohistochemistry staining, allowing pathological analysis of explanted pancreata from a range of disease types.
You can find out more by clicking this page.